What the soul desires. System-constellations
Constellations and systemic solvings of
- family of origin and present family
- partnership
- friendship
- soul-family
- network of colleagues
- problems with school-education
- organizations
Our soul is the divine essence in us, which guides us through life.
It`s knowledge is selfless love and wisdom. The soul makes us kind, endearing, human and humble.
But we are also entangled into the destiny, the opinions, attitudes and convictions of others (parents, ancestors, idols, groups, teachers etc.) and into the historical belief-systems of our culture and religion. In this way we are members of systems. Aside from many positive aspects of our cultural and social heritage, we are also taking over unconsciously aspects which harm our soul and that of others, even against our will.
By positioning various systems with the support of a group in an atmosphere of mutual respect, all entanglements will come to the light of the truth. And if we then follow the soul-power, all members of a system will move to a place where they will experience, what the soul desires: knowing love, peace true friendship and mutual esteem.